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Are you tired of constantly living in a state of anxiety, panic, or overwhelm?
Do you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind is busy worrying or thinking about everything?
Does it feel like life just keeps going faster and it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up?
Would you like to easily manage triggers and take control of your mind and body again?
Are your energy levels, moods, and thoughts affected by others around you?
Do you tend to take on other people’s “stuff” as if it were your own?
Are you sensitive to certain foods, smells, sounds, places, or crowds?
Do you need time to rest and recharge after going out to public places or events?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions…chances are you’re an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP)!
We’re living in some crazy times and there’s a lot of negativity, fear, and anger out in the world right now.
And if you’re sensitive then you’re feeling it even more than others. Being sensitive is a gift that allows us to empathize and have compassion and understanding for what others are going through. But it often feels more like a curse when you’re constantly getting bombarded by everything going on around you.
Now is the time to take your energy and your life back…
In this workshop you’ll learn how to:
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